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Digital transformation is the future to move forward

“The Vietnamese government has a vision of digital transformation by 2025 into a digital economy, digital government and digital society… will certainly achieve the goal thanks to cooperation with partners…”

Các diễn giả tham gia tọa đàm hội thảo trực tuyến “Chuyển đổi số - Cầu nối thành công” chiều ngày 7/10.

Speakers participated in the online seminar “Digital Transformation – Bridge to Success” on the afternoon of October 7.

On October 7, the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City in collaboration with ASEAN Business Partners held an online seminar “Digital Transformation – Bridging Success” for domestic and foreign businesses when countries are adjusting back to the new normal, including Vietnam.


Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi, Consul General of India in Ho Chi Minh City, said: The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, especially in the field of connectivity and communication. Digital transformation is the way forward. India has adapted to the pandemic thanks to new information technology solutions in commerce and many other areas.

Vietnam’s National Digital Transformation Strategy focuses on smart manufacturing, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, big data, Blockchain technology, online data, cybersecurity, and technology. financial technology, 3D printing technology, 5G ecosystem, smart city…

Mr. Madan Mohan Sethi believes the Vietnamese Government with a vision of digital transformation to 2025, turning the country into a digital economy, digital government and digital society. With a young and dynamic population, Vietnam will certainly achieve the above goals through cooperation with partners.

In particular, the growing importance of the digital ecosystem in the post-pandemic recovery period. The vision of both India and Vietnam in developing the information technology industry and the 4.0 revolution, creating new opportunities for cooperation between the two countries. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of information technology and start-up businesses of the two countries need to strengthen cooperation in new fields such as e-commerce, financial technology (Fintech), smart city , big data (Big Data), …

Dr. Pavani Kadiyala, President of Government Blockchain Association, Hyderabad Branch and Advisor of India Micro and Medium Enterprises Forum (MSMEs) shared about India’s success stories in digital transformation, bringing land to land. The country has become one of the countries with the highest GDP growth in the world.

Mr. Ha Thai Bao, Deputy General Director of VNPT Information Technology Company (VNPT – IT) said that VNPT’s key projects are being implemented and proposed to cooperate with foreign investors in telecommunications applications. community services and applications based on 4.0 technology platform (AI, Bigdata, Blockchain, IoT, …). VNPT is looking for partners for VNPT products in foreign markets and domestic cooperation to perfect the digital ecosystem in healthcare, education, agriculture, tourism, etc.

At the conference, businesses also shared the impacts and benefits of digitization in supporting supply chains, and SMEs in payment authentication and user spending management. “Digital Transformation – Bridge to Success” is the first investment promotion event of the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City in the new normal condition after months of city-wide social distancing.


According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), agriculture is the largest source of livelihood for Indians with 70% of rural households still dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. India has the second largest arable area in the world, cereal production accounts for 25% of the total world production.

Although agriculture is the backbone of the economy, its contribution to India’s GDP has continued to decline over the decades. Food security is still a problem for the majority of people, the poverty rate is still high at 30%.

Ứng dụng robot, AI  và giải pháp Agritech tại một nhà vườn. 

Implementation of robots, AI and Agritech solutions at a garden house.

By applying artificial intelligence (AI) and agricultural technologies (Agritech), Indian startups are helping many Indian farmers improve their production and livelihoods; applying technology to improve crop productivity through foreign direct investment (FDI) and active government initiatives.

Since 2017, India has applied AI to agriculture. The farmer only needs a phone that has the ability to receive text messages. They will receive automatic text alerts about the sowing date, pest risk, temperature, satellite weather information, rainfall, yield forecast, and crop growth over time. segment and price… all thanks to AI technology, blockchain analysis (Blockchain). As a result, agricultural output increased by 30% for crops, the cost of pesticides decreased significantly, and price forecasting helped the Government to timely have supportive policies for farmers.

In the field of Agritech, there are many startups emerging like Nebulaa that use AI to optimize the quality inspection of agricultural products. The MATT solution uses AI and image processing to conduct quick quality analysis of rice, grains and beans in just one minute. MATT AI applications help to reduce human error and subjectivity, thus optimizing supply chain processes so farmers can inspect their produce more and ensure more quality.

Similarly, Aqgormalin is a platform to diversify livestock production and aquaculture. The platform helps farmers increase their income through organizing supply chain inputs and marketing farm outputs. Farmers can submit input requests through Aqgormalin’s AQAI app, which the platform then collects and delivers to the farm. After the harvest, the platform will process the output for farmers as well as for export.

Recently, Mumbai-based startup investment platform We Founder Circle (WFC) raised around $2.5 million for three Agritech startups. Specifically, Anveshan specializes in organic food with traceability technology; Humus specializes in farm-to-kitchen retail; Hesa specializes in the distribution of agricultural products.
