Member Companies

Member Companies

An Viet Manufacture and Trading Joint Stock Company

An Viet ManuFacturing And Trading Joint Stock Company (AnVietFood) was established in August 2007 with a total of over 200 staff and workers. AnVietFood is currently a leader in the field of clean food supply in Hanoi city

Vietnam Workers Coorperative Joint Stock Company

Vietnam Workers Cooperative Joint Stock Company is one of AnvietGroup’s e-commerce platforms that are important in daily life. With the development of technology 4.0 and the demand for Vietnamese quality goods from workers in industrial zones and clusters, Vietnam Workers Cooperative Joint Stock Company has associated with manufacturers, the trade union of industrial complexes and free-trade zones in Hanoi, building an e-commerce platform “Cong Nhan0” (Worker 4.0)

Ubofood Vietnam Joint Stock Company

Ubofood Vietnam Joint Stock Company (Ubofood ) is a member of AnVietGroup established on April 23 – 2019, is a food supply system based on 4.0 technology that connects consumers to homes. production based on criteria, transparency, quality assurance and absolute safety. Consumers are free to consult and choose according to their needs. with the criterion: “Just sitting at home to buy clean agricultural products, whatever you need!”.

VDSpaces technology joint stock company

VDSpaces is a member of AnVietGroup, Founded on July 15- 2018, VDSpaces aims to become a leading company in consulting, providing, deploying Artificial Intelligence software products and solutions on a wide scale. global micro. We define the mission of VDSpaces to focus on researching and creating breakthrough AI technologies to change the lives of individuals, as well as the way businesses and organizations operate

VDSmart Technology Joint Stock Company

VDSmart is a member of AnVietGroup’s technology field, Established on October 7, 2019, the company is a part of the VDS ecosystem – VIETNAM Digital Spaces, bringing together Vietnamese experts in AI artificial intelligence. We specialize in building application solutions “Artificial intelligence over Internet of Things (AI over IoT)” applied to production and business activities in fields such as Smart Education, Smart Building, Retail banks…

An Viet Information Technology Advancement Joint Stock Company

An Viet Information Technology Advancement Joint Stock Company (Anvita) was established in August 2017 as a member in the technology field of AnVietGroup, with the mission of providing software solutions for supply chainsto connect and optimize costs for distribution centers, manufacturers, agents and logistics operations to provide the best customer experience. Anvita has chosen for itself the way to get the top quality and prestige.

Artificial Intelligence Institute Joint Stock Company

As the first non-public research institute specializing in training, consulting, research and technology development in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science (DS), Information Technology and Automation. automation in Vietnam.

Vietnam Agricultural Trading Promote Joint Stock Company

Vietnam Agricultural Trade Promote Joint Stock Company (XucTienViet), formerly known as Vietnam’s Safe Food and Agricultural Product Distribution Center, was established in early 2017. This is a reliable address for Manufacturers, Distributors and Consumers. Here, there was a convergence of more than 200 reputable manufacturers in the country with regional products boldly quintessential Vietnamese

Viet Nam 4.0 Vang Ngon Joint Stock

With the massive amount of wine on the market today, finding a reputable foreign wine website might be a problem. Viet Nam Vang Ngon 4.0 Joint Stock Company was established on October 28, 2020 as one of the members of An Viet Group, we were very responsive and knew how to satisfy customers when we just introduced the application to help buying alcohol online only with a few taps called “Vangngon4.0”. This app allows you to choose and order a wide variety of wines at extremely reasonable prices without having to search and coming to different liquor stores.

Red Sun Biolotechnology Joint Stock Company

RedSun – Biotech is one of the leading units in the field of agricultural production, so we protect the environment, we have cooperated to invest in research with leading experts in microbiological technology at the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture.