Artificial Intelligence Institute Joint Stock Company

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Artificial Intelligence Institute Joint Stock Company

Artificial Intelligence Institute Joint Stock Company


Our Artificial Intelligence product implementation consulting service is also an outstanding service. Implemented in a methodical mannerwith researchers, lecturers, and experts with extensive experience in consulting, developing and deploying AI products, our AI consulting service does not stop at strategic consulting, theoretical, but also through programming, system integration, testing, evaluation, large-scale deployment. We build courses, consult technology solutions, directly develop AI products and put them into practice.

                                                   AI Academy lecturers and students


  • Training: Fostering knowledge and skills in the AI field, Data Science and digital transformation.
  • Consulting: Technology transfer with implementation of AI, Data Science and digital transformation.
  • Research: Building technology platforms and systems with implementation of Artificial Intelligence and big data analysis.
  • Providing experts: Organizing technology events and seminars related to the field of AI, Data Science and digital transformation.


  • As one of the 10 representative AI organization in Vietnam in the AI ​​DAY event in the series of events of the meeting between 100 representative scientists in the field of Industry 4.0 with the Vietnamese Government, organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Planning and Investment held in August 2018…

In-depth studies:

  • Computer vision technologies
  • Data Science
  • Deep machine learning
  • Project product
  • Data Analytics Platform (DSSAMA)
  • Delivery management and optimization system (Anfast)
  • Smart camera system
  • 10 Training Course in Data Science.
  • 15 basiccoursesinAdvanced AI training.
  • 300+ managers, executives, technical directors have been trained through courses on AI, Big Data, Digital Transformation of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence.
  • 800+ AI, Data Science engineers have been trained at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence (as of December 2020).


  • Training program on AI, Big Data, Digital Transformation for business owners and technical directors.
  • AI engineer training program.
  • Training program for data analysts.
  • AISTEAM training program for students.

Consult, critique, evaluate, and provide experts in the following areas:

  • Artificial intelligence.
  • Big data and data science,
  • Digital transformation for businesses
  • Smart city
  • Representative customers: Vinacomin, Vingroup, Minh Phu Group, AIC, PMC Building Management & Exploitation Joint Stock Company, Le Gia Phuc Construction Company, NAPAS, TPBank, Viettel, Bao Viet, exttech Group, EVN….


  • Making contribution to promoting digital transformation and AI application in businesses and governments through the following activities: Training, Research and Development, Technology Transfer, and Consulting. Become an effective bridge between researchersand enterprises.
  • TheArtificial Intelligence Institute strives to become the leading research and training institute in AI, Digital Transformation in Vietnam and the region.

Registrant Name: Artificial Intelligence Institute Joint Stock Company

Head office: Room 316, Building 489 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi.

