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Ubofood Vietnam Joint Stock Company – A bridge connecting trade, bringing OCOP products closer to consumers

Hanoi is the largest economic and political center of the country. In 2020, despite many difficulties, Hanoi’s agricultural industry still grew by 4.2%, the highest increase in recent years, making agriculture a pillar in economic development and stabilizing people’s lives. As for the One Commune One Product (OCOP) program, Hanoi has set a goal to have more than 1,000 OCOP products by the end of 2020, this is a huge number, but the city has basically completed and exceeded the set plan. Along with the formation of concentrated production areas, building clean agricultural products, linking production in chains… Hanoi cityhas been focusing more on trade promotion activities. In particular, in 2021, when the Covid-19 epidemic is still complicated, this activity needs to be promoted even more, not only helping businesses and producers to find markets, creating a balance between supply and demand for agricultural products, but also contribute to promoting the sustainable growth of the capital’s agricultural industry… Hanoi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is also actively organizing agricultural product fairs in densely populated places and common residential areas, urban areas in the city to support the consumption of agricultural products, and at the same time, support companies to promote the implementation of information technology to product distribution and encourage coordination with businesses, retail systems to establish online sales channels, typically Vietnam Agricultural Trade Promotion Company (No. 20 lane 63/30, Le Duc Tho street, My Dinh 2 ward, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi). This is considered one of the bridges connecting trade, bringing OCOP products closer to consumers, especially in the context of the increasingly complicated Covid-19 epidemic.

Hanoi promotes the development of online distribution channels of agricultural products

As one of the locomotives connecting the promotion of trade and consumption of agricultural products in general, the products of the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Program and regional specialties in particular, in addition to the recognition and ranking of OCOP products, recently, Hanoi city is focusing on developing online distribution channels of agricultural products; strongly implement digital transformation technology to help farmers, production and business entities have more opportunities to approach consumers. In particular, the form of livestream on social networks is considered an effective solution for localities to promote, connect trade, promote consumption of agricultural products, and remove difficulties for farmers and producers amid the resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Livestream is a new sales method, suitable for the epidemic context and the development trend of modern technology, helping the subjects to renew their thinking and determination to access new technology to bring their products to consumers in an intuitive and useful way. This is also an area for real producers and farmers to devote their whole heart and passion to products, introduce product information, share professional stories and human values. At the same time, it is a reliable address for consumers to both buy goods directly and interact and exchange questions and concerns about products.

The event “OCOP Hanoi specialty livestream festival” associated with the Government’s campaign to support the Covid-19 Vaccine Fund took place on June 6, 2021, in Hanoi.

Recognizing the importance of output for OCOP products, in 2020, the City People’s Committee Hanoi has successfully organized 4 events to introduce, promote and connect OCOP products associated with the culture of the Red River Delta, Northern mountainous, Central – Highlands and Southern provinces. Each event with the participation of hundreds of stalls and thousands of quality agricultural products and goods from all regions gathered in the Capital has brought many positive effects. According to the Hanoi NTM (new countryside)Construction Coordination Office, more than 500 memorandums of understanding on cooperation and consumption of OCOP products have been signed between subjects, production and business households and representatives of organizations and businesses, distributor. To connect and promote potential OCOP products of Hanoi and 15 northern provinces and cities; In 11 other provinces and cities across the country, on July 24, 2020, in Hanoi, the Hanoi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinated with the Vietnam Retailers Association to organize a Workshop on Connecting Trade and Consumption of OCOP products of northern mountainous province. Thereby, supporting OCOP products into supermarket systems, stores dealing in safe agricultural products, handicrafts shops, points of introduction and sale of OCOP products, and e-commerce platforms, online sales… For consumers in the capital, domestic and international to identify the brand and consume OCOP products. Recently, on June 6, 2021, the New Rural Development Program (NTM) Coordination Office Hanoi has coordinated with several agencies to organize the event “OCOP Hanoi Specialty Livestream Day” in association with the Government’s campaign to support the Covid-19 Vaccine Fund. This is an opportunity for the subjects to get acquainted with the e-commerce system in the current period. Deputy Chief of the Standing Office of the Office for Coordination of the New Urban Area Construction Program in Hanoi Nguyen Van Chi said that the organization of the event stemmed from the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, the supply chain of agricultural products, food and OCOP products showed signs of being broken, directly threatening producers, especially farmers. At the same time, it also matches to the orientation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is to develop a long-term plan in ensuring output for agricultural products, in which, the coordination between the agricultural sector, OCOP subjects, relevant units to connect consumption of OCOP products as well as safe agricultural products from localities play a very important role. Based on the results of this livestream, Hanoi’s agricultural industry will make a review, evaluation, and experience, from which, propose to the city and the Central Government how to organize safe agricultural food production, OCOP product owners can approach the market with innovative new methods.

To help manufacturers, traders and consumers of safe agricultural products and food, OCOP products connect product consumption with consumers by selling online and through Livestream. The City New Rural Program Coordination Office has coordinated with the ASEAN Digital Transformation Research Institute and Factory 1102 to support free online training classes for the Online sales training program, Livestream to sell agricultural products. safe food products and OCOP products for production, business and consumption units in Hanoi city with a duration of 3 classes/course. As a result, successfully organized 2 free online classes for online sales, Livestream (class 1: August 10-11, 2021; class 2: August 12-13, 2021) for 54 representatives of production, business and consumption units of agricultural, forestry, fishery products and OCOP products in Hanoi city and some neighboring provinces (50 subjects in Hanoi city and 04 subjects from Hoa Binh, Hung Yen and Ha Giang provinces) attended the online course on online sales training program, Livestream to sell safe agricultural products and OCOP products, especially during the quarantine period according to Directive No. 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister as at present.

In the coming time, the City’s New Rural Development Program Coordination Office will continue to coordinate with the ASEAN Digital Transformation Research Institute and Factory 1102 to organize free online training courses on the online sales training programLivestream for product manufactures, business and consumption units wishing to sell safe agricultural products, food and OCOP products in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Ubofood Vietnam – The bridge connecting consumers to producers

Ubofood is an online food ordering application – A companion to smart housewives in the 4.0 era. Ubofood has connected from consumers to manufacturers based on the following criteria: Transparency, quality assurance and absolute safety to bring customers the best experience with fresh and nutritious food. The main products of Ubofood are regional specialties, fresh foods such as bio-pork, chicken, beef, vegetables, milk and dairy products, poultry eggs, rice and food, dried products, especially OCOP products… All are carried out according to a closed process from the selection of input materials, livestock breeds, feed, facilities to slaughter and processing under the supervision of the functional units. Make sure the food is always fresh and has a certificate of origin before delivery.

During the time of isolation and quarantine, the company’s Board of Directors made calculations and made the right decisions to push online sales through e-commerce platform. Specifically, the Board of Directors realizes that online business is an inevitable trend with many of its advantages, even though it is known that doing business in this form for food is very difficult because of the people’s habit of purchasing at traditional markets and characteristics of the group of agricultural products and foods that are difficult to preserve. However, with 15 years of business experience in the field of clean food, the Company has carefully prepared all stages in the operation process, from linking production areas; Centralized warehouse for transshipment; Preliminary packing point to ensure quality standards; Software platform; The delivery system to serve customers to a young, dynamic and enthusiastic staff… With those preparations, Ubofood Vietnam is ready to provide the best food for consumers during the quarantine period. society although the consumption of goods is 10 times higher than in the previous months.

Mr. Do Hoang Thach – CEO of Ubofood Vietnam Joint Stock Company

The question is how to ensure the origin and quality of products to reach consumers in the context of the increasingly complicated Covid-19 epidemic and how the company has registered so that the delivery team can do transportation activities, not to disrupt the supply chain of the Company’s products to consumers? The answer is that Ubofood distributes food from many large, reputable and quality manufacturers in Vietnam; All products, when put on the App for supply, are processed through easy verification stages of certification documents as well as product quality. The company absolutely does not import goods that do not guarantee quality and are not clear about the origin. Regarding the supply process, goods are stored daily samples before being supplied; The process of preliminary processing and packaging ensures standard conditions; Transported by specialized vehicles, ensuring products are fresh. In addition, the Company always arranges a department to supervise the quality as well as the transportation stage when supplying; There is a customer care department to receive feedback and solve goods related issues for customers. To ensure the safety of delivery staff and customers, the Company has strictly complied with the regulations on epidemic prevention and control of the Government, Hanoi City. The company has sent a list of delivery staff to the Department of Industry and Trade so they could send to the Department of Transport for a license to allow delivery and issue a green QR code for delivery vehicles. The entire delivery team is the company’s delivery staff, fully vaccinated against covid-19 and once again conducted a quick test every 3 days. At many points of production, farmers are not able to actively deliver goods, the company had to increase trucks to transport goods directly to the production place to promptly serve the people, avoiding the situation of breaking the supply chain.

On the other hand, Ubofood is very interested in regional specialty products, especially local OCOP products, so that OCOP products meet the criteria in the supply process in terms of source of goods, price, and supply can all be uploaded to the Ubo App to serve and supply the capital’s consumers. Currently, Ubofood also has a close association with OCOP product production units of Hanoi and other provinces and cities across the country such as: Bio-pork of Hoang Long Cooperative achieves 4-star products; The 4-star OCOP noodle product of Minh Duong Food Company; Black musk tea products of MDQueen Joint Stock Company…

Mr. Do Hoang Thach represented the Company to attend and sign commercial cooperation agreements at the Workshop on connecting OCOP products, products capable of participating in the OCOP program, held on June 26, 2020 in Hanoi.

Mr. Do Hoang Thach – CEO of Ubofood Vietnam Joint Stock Company shared his opinion, the OCOP program of Hanoi city is very meaningful to all three main groups of subjects in the chain: Manufacturers, distributors and consumers. Before the OCOP Program, many products did not have a name and distribution value, the products were very small and fragile. Through the Program, products are guided on the process and procedures for OCOP product recognition, labeling and standards for products, contributing to creating value for the capital’s goods. For distributors, the OCOP Program has facilitated their connection with branded, certified quality products; at the same time, helping them to find opportunities to organize and distribute these products to the market. In addition, many good and quality products have come closer to consumers and are preferred by consumers because they can check and trace the origin of OCOP products. He said that currently, Ubofood Vietnam Joint Stock Company is strongly deploying the supply of OCOP products to the people of the capital in urban areas, apartment buildings, and offices in Hanoi via Ubofood App, Website, Fanpage, Youtube or sell online via livestream…

In the past one month, the demand for buying food through online form has increased, that’s why customers download the App and order by themselves 10-15 times faster, the company’s revenue increased about 10 times compared to the previous months. The company’s staff works at a capacity of over 200%, although it is very hard, the joy is multiplied, not because of the high sales but because of the online platform Ubofood built by the Company for many years, it has promoted values ​​for the community such as: Supplying abundant sources of safe and quality food at stable prices; Helping people go to the market easily, anytime, anywhere, without having to gather in large numbers, limit contact, and contribute to the prevention of disease spread. In particular, the Company has contributed to support the connection of product consumption for farmers who have difficulty in consuming products today.
