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Activity News
AnViet Food – The place that provides clean food in Hanoi city

In the context of the current food market has complicated development, affecting health condition and causing consumers’ confusion, An Viet Trading and Manufacturing Joint Stock Company (AnViet Food) has honored to be selected by the Department of Industry and Trade, the Hanoi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development as one of the spearhead units implementing the campaign “Strengthening safe food identification skills for the capital’s consumers”.

In particular, in order to bring clean food to people, An Viet food now specializes in the production and distribution of high-safety food products in accordance with a closed production process from seed, food meet the environmental requirements for livestock and farming farms and are closely monitored by the authorities.

As for pork and chicken products, which are raised with biological and herbal feeds, An Viet food’s products always ensure a very high level of safety and quality. In addition, the company’s products are also certified by the National Center for Food Analysis and Inspection to be free of lean substances, weight gainers, water retention agents, no heavy metal residues and preservatives.

In addition, AnvietFood cooperate with Tien Le vegetable growing area (Hoai Duc) producing vegetable and fruit products according to VietGap standards. From the stage of soil preparation, selection of seeds to care and harvesting, all are closely monitored and planted in a net house. Products made to ensure quality and safety for consumers. For rice products, the company cooperates with Dinh Moc Rice Company (Nam Dinh) to build a large sample field of 50ha in Xuan Truong and Hai Hau districts to produce and supply excellent rice products to capital’s citizens. Currently, AnViet food is providing the market with the following main products: Fresh pork; chicken meat, fresh industrial chicken; fresh beef; poultry eggs; processed foods; vegetables and fruits; Hai Hau fragrant rice… AnViet food is maintaining a system of stores providing safe food for Capital’s citizens from: Thang Long Industrial Park (Dong Anh), Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park (Thach That), No. 85 Luong Dinh Cua (Dong Da). Moreover, the unit also provides food for more than 100 schools, kitchens of central agencies and Hanoi. To meet the market needs and serve Capital’s citizens better, the company has now opened an online store on the website:

Contact information:

Company name: AnViet Trading and Manufacturing Joint Stock Company

Address: Building A, 2nd floor, Trung Van 1A commercial and service area, Hanoi.

Phone: 0243.992.6566 – Hotline: 0965.68.99.44.
