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Positive signal of “green zone” enterprises in Hanoi

The People’s Committee of Hanoi has just assigned districts to immediately start the recovery and economic promotion in the “green areas”, “yellow zones” and proceed to the whole area from September 15…

Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Chu Ngoc Anh said the city’s goal is to quickly control the Covid-19 epidemic before September 15 so that Hanoi can join the group of good disease control according to the disease control criteria of the Ministry of Health. Medican. To do this, in high-risk areas will continue to strictly and decisively implement social distancing. In low-risk areas, production and business activities will be maintained in places where conditions are met according to the principle of “safety to produce, production must be safe”; gradually restore and boost production in the areas where the social distancing is ended.

In the past few days, some “green zones” have begun to allow some business services to reopen. Gia Lam district, Ba Vi district are the first localities for restaurants and eateries in the “green zone” to reopen. Although the number is not much, but according to the general assessment, allowing restaurants and eateries to open take-out sales has initially created a positive signal, opening hope for people to produce, do business and develop. economy, life security.

In Hoai Duc district, according to Mr. Nguyen Trung Thuan, Vice Chairman of the District People’s Committee, in the days of implementing social distancing, the district has asked enterprises in the industrial cluster that want to return to production, must develop a production plan. safe production of “3 on-site”, or “1 route with 2 destinations”, and submit it to the District People’s Committee for approval. For production facilities outside the industrial cluster, the safe production plan will be approved by the People’s Committee of the commune or township. On that basis, the whole district has 825 enterprises with approved plans, returning to production in August and September 2021.

According to a representative of a garment company in Son Tay town, due to the epidemic, the company has faced many difficulties recently. On the basis of the company’s epidemic prevention plan, from the end of August 2021, Son Tay town has allowed 500 company workers to return to work. Currently, the company has developed a plan to expand production activities to a scale of 1,000 employees (accounting for 50% of the number of workers) and has sent it to the Steering Committee for Covid-19 prevention and control in Son Tay town, which is currently waiting. town opinion. This is a good sign because thanks to that, businesses will complete orders and contracts because this is the peak of the textile industry.

Doanh nghiệp ở "vùng xanh" đã và đang nỗ lực hoạt động trở lại, bảo đảm thực hiện “mục tiêu kép” vừa phòng, chống dịch, vừa duy trì sản xuất, kinh doanh.

Enterprises in the “green zone” have been making efforts to resume operations, ensuring the implementation of the “dual goal” of preventing and controlling the epidemic and maintaining production and business.

In the busy atmosphere of production and business returning, the Head of Human Resources Department, Megapharco Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Phu Nghia Industrial Park, Chuong My District) Ngo Thi Ly informed that after a while, the line had to be temporarily suspended. production line due to shift F0 at the company next door, from September 7, the unit’s operation has resumed. “Along with thoroughly complying with the pre-built epidemic prevention and control plans, we also review the requirements and develop additional options “3 on the spot” and “1 route, 2 destinations” “,” added Ms. Ngo Thi Ly.

Meanwhile, Director of Viet Nhat Plastic Production Co., Ltd. Nguyen Van Thanh said that the unit was supported by Thanh Oai District People’s Committee to give the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine to more than 1,000 officials, employees and workers. Implementing Directive No. 20/CT-UBND and the guiding document of Thanh Oai District People’s Committee, the company has built a production and business plan in the new situation. Accordingly, production line operation increased by 30% compared to the previous time of separation; and at the same time receive workers inside and outside the “green zone” to ensure regulations on epidemic prevention and control.

“We are very cautious in accepting workers in neighboring localities such as Ung Hoa, My Duc (accounting for about 20% of the company’s more than 1,000 workers) back to work. Therefore, along with guiding and supporting workers on the procedures for issuing travel permits, the company also conducts regular PCR tests for them,” emphasized Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh.

At Thach That – Quoc Oai Industrial Cluster, the production activities of enterprises are also gradually busy again. Director of Thai Minh Hi-tech Joint Stock Company Do Viet Ha, said that when Quoc Oai district implemented social distancing, many workers living in the company’s area had to temporarily quit. After the issuance of Directive No. 20/CT-UBND, the business has now returned to normal operations. In particular, businesses are also facilitated by the district to not have to maintain “3 on-site” operations as before, thus reducing the cost of accommodation and meals for workers.

According to Vice Chairman of the District People’s Committee Quoc Oai Pham Quang Tuan, the district is focusing on prioritizing vaccination against Covid-19 for workers in industrial zones and clusters in the area. Accordingly, nearly 80% of workers received the 1st injection, nearly 30% of the workers received the 2nd injection.

Currently, in Hanoi, more than 600 “business green zones” have been established, with the operation plan approved by the local government. With the urgent and drastic intervention of the local government, businesses in the “green zone” have been making efforts to resume operations, ensuring the implementation of the “dual goal” of preventing and controlling the epidemic, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. maintain production and business.

Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung said that the city is making efforts to test and achieve a high percentage of people in the age group who are vaccinated until September 15. On the basis of the whole population health screening, the health sector shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the local authorities in, assessing the risk level and advising and proposing a decision on easing epidemic prevention and control measures according to the actual situation. economy in each locality to organize life, production and business with the spirit of being safe and open”.
