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Digital economy, e-commerce are the keys to growth in the new normal


Building and perfecting the institutional framework for digital economy development; reform and digitize state management agencies and enterprises; encourage and promote e-commerce…

Tọa đàm trực tuyến “Kinh tế số - chìa khóa của tăng trưởng trong bối cảnh bình thường mới” diễn ra sáng 16/9.

The online seminar “Digital economy – the key to growth in the new normal” took place on the morning of September 16.

On September 16, the Central Economic Commission held a seminar themed “Digital economy – the key to growth in the new normal”. At the seminar, Mr. Nguyen Duc Hien, Deputy Head of the Central Economic Commission emphasized, the 13th National Congress of the Party has set the orientation: “Promoting national digital transformation; develop the digital economy on the basis of science and technology and innovation”.


According to Mr. Hien, although digital economic activities in Vietnam are developing strongly, especially in the fields of financial technology (Fintech), telecommunications, computer and electronic manufacturing, technology services, etc. information, but still facing a number of difficulties and obstacles such as: the legal and institutional environment is still weak, not tight, not synchronized; cash-intensive economy; New business forms develop rapidly, making state management agencies quite confused in managing digital economic activities… These are barriers to digital economic development that need to be removed quickly.

At the seminar, experts and representatives of corporations and businesses in the fields of e-commerce, technology delivery, electronic and financial services, multimedia communication, etc… have discussed new development trends of Vietnam’s digital economy; clarify the opportunities and challenges of enterprises in the process of digital transformation and business model innovation.

Businesses also proposed specific policies such as: building and perfecting institutions to create a framework for digital economic development; reform and digitize state management agencies and enterprises; encourage and promote the e-payment; improve the quality of human resources to meet the requirements of the digital economy; create opportunities to promote the development of new products, services and business models, sustainable development.

The representative of the Central Economic Commission also shared, performing the assigned tasks, presiding over guiding the inspection and supervision of the implementation of Resolution 52-NQ/TW and serving the development of a 2-year assessment report on the development of the country’s economic development. Declaring this Resolution, the Central Economic Commission wants experts to share experiences to help develop the digital economy, especially e-commerce activities, as well as share problems and recommendations to promote the development of the digital economy in Vietnam.

In the immediate future, the Central Economic Commission will develop the Project “Industrialization and modernization guidelines and policies until 2030, with a vision to 2045” and submit it to the Central Committee in October 2022.

Resolution 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019 of the Politburo on “A number of guidelines and policies to actively participate in the fourth industrial revolution” has identified digital economic development as a pillar, a key strategic task in the development process of national digital transformation in the coming years and sets a target that by 2025, Vietnam’s digital economy will account for 20% of GDP, by 2030, 30% of GDP.


Speaking at the seminar, Mr. Nguyen The Quang, Deputy Director of the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, said that the pandemic broke out, but there has never been a time when e-commerce has developed more strongly than ever.

In particular, the Covid-19 epidemic is like a push to accelerate the growth of e-commerce in Vietnam. Nguyen Ngoc Dung, Vice Chairman of the E-commerce Association (VECOM), said that the Covid-19 epidemic shortened the progress of application development for e-commerce from sellers to buyers by 1-2 years compared to the previous year with the plan to 2025. The growth rate of e-commerce in recent years is about 30-35%/year and the next time after the pandemic will be a completely changed picture.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Long, Marketing Director of Tiki Joint Stock Company, said: Tiki has enjoyed more open policies, mastered technology, applied cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and even experimented. robot in the process of transporting goods at the warehouse. The logistics process in and out of the floor’s distance also receives the support of ministries and sectors…

Mr. Tran Tuan Anh, Managing Director of Shopee Vietnam, said that the number of visitors to the E-Commerce platform is one and a half times, the number of orders is three times, the online shopping is good, but the truth is that Shopee is having difficulty to providing this service to consumers because the bridge is seriously broken.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Dung also informed that in the past time, businesses operating in the field of e-commerce have also been heavily affected by social distancing activities in big cities. VECOM and businesses have proposed to ministries, departments and sectors to give priority to shippers to move as well as to circulate and deliver inter-district goods. Until now, some localities have supported and prioritized shipper’s activities.

In addition, VECOM also receives a lot of information about blockchain applications, collects capital from e-commerce platforms as well as from global blockchain platforms to increase capital raising value during the pandemic through the Internet and with considerable success.

“According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Trade from 2016 to now, e-commerce sales have increased by an average of 25-30% per year. It is expected that by 2025, revenue from transactions between businesses and customers via electronic means (B2C) will be 35 billion USD, accounting for 10% of retail sales nationwide in a year; by 2025, the average growth rate will be 24%/year. It is estimated that online shopping in 2020 will reach 240 USD/person/year, then by 2025 it will be 600 USD/year.”
