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Which businesses can get transportation permit by Hanoi City?

Enterprises operating in essential goods, logistics, import and export, e-commerce, and electricity are the units that have been granted permits by the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade to travel by QR code in zone 1.

Sở Công thương Hà Nội chỉ cấp giấy đi đường theo hình thức online cho các doanh nghiệp kinh doanh mặt hàng thiết yếu /// TRẦN CƯỜNG

The Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade only issues online travel permits for businesses dealing in essential goods

This is a guide that has just been sent by the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade to enterprises producing and trading in essential goods and services in the field of industry and trade on the evening of September 9.

According to the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade, in order to meet the needs of production and business activities and to serve the security of Hanoi during the period of social distancing (from September 6 to September 21), this department guides the issuance of transportation permits with identification for people and vehicles (QR Code) in zone 1.

Specifically, the subjects of businesses that are granted licenses include 4 areas: businesses dealing in essential goods, logistics, import-export and e-commerce.

In which, the business of essential goods includes:

  • Enterprises, supermarket business units.
  • Enterprise, business unit chain of convenience stores.
  • Business management unit exploiting the market.
  • Enterprises producing and importing milk and functional foods for children under 6 years old.
  • Petroleum and LPG trading enterprises (have been granted certificates of this field by the Department of Industry and Trade).
  • Enterprises and units participating in the market stabilization program of Hanoi City.
  • Enterprises trading in other essential necessities in the field of industry and trade (diapers, diapers, milk, sanitary napkins…).

The licensed units have been compiled by the Department of Industry and Trade and uploaded detailedinformation on the website of the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade, address:

Regarding the licensing process, businesses dealing in essential goods and services prepare 3 soft files/scanned copies of the following documents: the written request of the unit enterprise (signed, stamped), note the business, the unit providing the contact point (name, address, phone, email…); Create sample lists.

Enterprises can send the above listed documents to the email address:

After receiving and processing the application, any case eligible for settlement, the Department of Industry and Trade will summarize and send it to the Hanoi Police Department for consideration and certification according to regulations.

In case the enterprise is not under the duty, or the documents are invalid: the Department of Industry and Trade will summarize, make a list clearly stating the reason and post it on the website, Covid-19 prevention section for businesses to be aware and monitor.

After receiving the results of the application processing from the police, the Department of Industry and Trade will send the results to the enterprise via the business email registered with the department.

For the field of electricity, the subjects that are licensed are agencies, organizations and enterprises engaged in electricity activities, including: electricity transmission, electricity distribution and electricity retailing in region 1.

The implementation process is similar to that for businesses in the field of production and business of essential goods. However, the request for information must specify the location, schedule, route, date and time of registration of travel.

For leaders and employees who handle work and public services: implement a rotational working regime with clear assignment, clearly register the place of residence, working location, specific details. location, schedule, route, date and time of registration of movement.

For the dispatching officers and staff: perform 3 on-site activities, moving only on the day of shift change providing the full route and destination in detailed.

For officials and employees serving the inspection and troubleshooting of the power grid: the unit registers and arranges according to a schedule to ensure minimum maintenance for each specific area.

Particularly for the industrial production sector, the authority to issue road permits is held by the police of the commune, ward or township where the enterprise is located in the area. support.

Source: Dân Trí