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Agriculture overcomes difficulties to maintain production

In August 2021, agricultural production faced many difficulties due to social distancing to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic, but farmers still overcome difficulties to maintain production. As a result, livestock production still increased, aquaculture production and many crops decreased slightly compared to the same period last year…

Sản xuất nông nghiệp vượt qua khó khăn.

Agricultural production overcomes difficulties

According to the General Statistics Office, this year’s summer-autumn rice crop nationwide planted 1,955.9 thousand hectares, an increase of 10.8 thousand hectares compared to the summer-autumn crop last year. As of August 15, the whole country cultivated 1,409.1 thousand hectares of winter rice (equal to 98% of the same period last year) and 384.4 thousand hectares of autumn-winter rice (equivalent to 97.4% of the same period last year).

As of mid-August 2021, the whole country harvested 999.4 thousand hectares of summer-autumn rice, accounting for 51.1% of the cultivated area and equaling 97.9% of the same period last year. Mekong River Delta with 861.3 thousand hectares, accounting for 57.1% and equaling 98.4%.

Nông nghiệp vượt khó để duy trì sản lượng - Ảnh 1

The harvested area of summer-autumn rice is slower than the same period last year due to slower planting to ensure water sources for irrigation, pest control and the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic human resources to harvest, transport and consume rice.

As of August 15, localities across the country planted 817.5 thousand hectares of corn, equaling 99% of the same period last year; 85.3 thousand hectares of sweet potatoes, equaling 93.6%; 155.2 thousand hectares of peanuts, equaling 97.7%; 35.8 thousand hectares of soybeans, equaling 92.6%; 958.6 thousand hectares of vegetables and legumes, equaling 100.5% over the same period last year.

As for the livestock sector, by the end of August 2021, the total number of buffaloes in the country decreased by 3.8% compared to the same period in 2020; the total number of cows increased by 1.8%.

Nông nghiệp vượt khó để duy trì sản lượng - Ảnh 2

Pig and poultry farming was affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, many wholesale markets and traditional markets were temporarily closed, production costs increased, circulation was disrupted, and market demand decreased. Small livestock farms face difficulties in consumption, high amount of livestock in the barn, increasing the risk of losses.

It is estimated that by the end of August 2021, the total number of pigs in the country will increase by 4.5%; the number of poultry increased by 4.2% over the same period last year.

In the forestry sector, in the first eight months of 2021, the newly concentrated planted forest area was estimated at 143.4 thousand hectares, up 3.0% over the same period last year; the number of scattered planted forestry trees reached 56.2 million trees, up 1.7%; Quantity.

In 8 months, the whole country harvested 11,085.2 thousand m3 of planted forest timber, up 5.1%; firewood production reached 12.9 million ste, down 0.5% over the same period last year.

For the fisheries sector, the catch in August 2021 was estimated at 801.4 thousand tons, down 2.6% over the same period last year. Aquaculture production harvested in the month was estimated at 443.8 thousand tons, down 4.1% compared to August 2020. In which, fish reached 292.5 thousand tons; shrimp reached 109.7 thousand tons.

In the first 8 months, the fishery output was estimated at 5,692.5 thousand tons, up 1.4% over the same period last year. Including: farming reached 2,987.7 thousand tons (up 1.8%); exploitation reached 2,704.8 thousand tons, up 0.8%.

Nông nghiệp vượt khó để duy trì sản lượng - Ảnh 3

Due to the implementation of social distancing according to Directive No. 16/CT-TTg, seafood processing enterprises maintain operations with low capacity at 45-50% compared to normal.

Truong Dinh Hoe, General Secretary of the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers, said that the fact that businesses have stopped or abandoned many orders is causing Vietnamese seafood to face the risk of losing markets in Europe. and South America. If lost, it is extremely difficult to reconnect with partners in these markets.

In the context of the current complicated situation of the Covid-19 epidemic in the country, it is impossible to say anything. If in September, the epidemic is controlled and production activities of enterprises are resumed, maintaining the growth momentum of the industry is not difficult.

Because at this time, the demand for seafood products in Vietnam’s main markets such as the US, Europe… is recovering very well. On the contrary, if the current situation remains unchanged, it will be difficult to prevent the decline in export activities of the industry for the rest of 2021.

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