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Top 7 interesting facts about the e-commerce industry

Are you interested and interested in the e-commerce industry? This article will point out interesting facts that few people know about the industry. That will help you understand more about it.

  1. Online shopping takes 25%

According to the Online Marketing Forum 2020, the number of consumers shopping online increased by 25% compared to traditional shopping. According to the survey, 55% of online shoppers are aged 18-29, of which 63% are women, 65% are office workers, and 70% have high incomes. When the pandemic is still complicated in the world, everyone has to change their daily habits. 82% said they shop online during the period of social isolation, of which 98% said they will continue to shop online even after the quarantine. Vietnam also ranks third in Southeast Asia in terms of total traffic to online shopping applications, accounting for 19.5% of the region’s market share. These are surprising numbers, aren’t they?

  1. Great recruitment demand

Due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, the demand for recruiting personnel at e-commerce or digital marketing companies increased by 160% worldwide. Up to 46% of companies surveyed could not recruit experts with management skills of websites and e-commerce platforms. Therefore, businesses are expecting to have trained human resources for this field in both formal and informal forms in the coming period. It is an open path for those who want to follow this industry.

  1. Love shopping online

Compared to traditional shopping, online shopping is becoming the preferred choice of many customers. When shopping traditionally: You will feel exhausted because you spend all day shopping and may not find what you are looking for or things that you really like. Most offline shopping stores do not accept online coupons and will often have fewer offers. As a result, you may end up paying more for an item than it’s worth. Besides, offline shopping will face the situation of jostling, fighting each other every discount season. This can turn out to be a nightmare for many people.

As for online shopping: Wide range of choices. From clothes to food, from car parts to scientific equipment… you have the right to choose with just a few mouse clicks right at home, at work… You can shop 24/7, shop at any time of the day. Even if it’s 2 a.m. and you’re in your pajamas, you can still shop with ease. You can find products at affordable prices, especially when comparing prices between different shops. The payment is quite safe and easy. Online stores accept all kinds of payment methods including prepaid via bank card or post-receipt….

  1. Frequent smartphone usage

According to research, up to 85% of customers learn about product information and read feedback on the internet before buying online. Up to 47% of users use applications available on smartphones to shop and only 16% of users use web browsers on phones to search and order. The easier the application to use, the more integrated and diverse features, and the transparency of the goods, the more it stimulates the consumer’s shopping cart. Vietnamese people have a hobby of hunting for discounts during office hours, perhaps to reduce stress at work. More than 35% of transactions are done in the time frame from 12pm – 6pm. Cash payment (accounting for 80%) after receiving goods is always the number 1 choice in online shopping in Vietnam. It’s a surprise, isn’t it!

  1. The most billionaires appear

Almost, during the past 4 years, millionaires and billionaires have all emerged from the field of e-commerce business. If you are a person who likes to learn about business, you certainly know the world’s top famous billionaires with billions of dollars in assets, all of which are operating in this field such as: Jeff Bezos – CEO of Amazon, Jack Ma – CEO of Alibaba, Anthony Tan – CEO of Grab,…. In addition, hundreds of other emerging self-made millionaires appear on the market every day. No need to be born with a “golden spoon”, young people today can completely become millionaires and billionaires in the future. As long as you have a vision and a deep understanding of the field of e-commerce, this no longer will be just dreams.

  1. Suggestions from influencers

You may not know that 81% of consumers, that trully trust products recommended by friends, relatives and social influencers when they are sent suggested links on ecommerce. Because consumers often tend to feel less confident about the quality of products they have never purchased. Therefore, suggestions from influencers directly affect on their behavior.

  1. Freeship offer

According to a survey of researchers, customers often buy 30% more on each order if they are offered free shipping. In the online shopping environment, freeship is a great motivation for customers to increase order value as well as increase the number of purchases.