Activity News

Activity News

An Viet is one of the companies providing delivery cards to shippers

An Viet is one of the companies providing delivery cards to shippers

According to Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade, to implement Directive No. 17/CT-UBND dated July 23, 2021 of the Hanoi People’s Committee on applying social distancing; In which, the Department of Industry and Trade and the Department of Transport are assigned to organize the plan of transportation and supply of essential goods to be operated […]

Ubofood together with doctors vaccinating against COVID – 19 in Trung Van ward, Hanoi

Ubofood together with doctors vaccinating against COVID – 19 in Trung Van ward, Hanoi

Ubofood together with doctors who are administering vaccination against COVID in Trung Van ward, Nam Tu Liem district 💪💪 On July 29, UBOFOOD Vietnam Joint Stock Company sent representatives make some contribution with essential foods such as milk, water, etc. to support doctors who are vaccinating COVID-19 vaccine at the hospital. Headquarters of the Party […]