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Adaptive agriculture after the pandemic: Acceptance the small but not odd

In recent years, Vietnam has been concerned with small-scale agricultural production, exhorting land accumulation for large-scale production. But after the recent Covid pandemic, many businesses have divided a large factory into many small factories, if become F0, they will close one place while the other factories are still operating. Now, agriculture needs to adapt to “small but not odd” production…

Tọa đàm “Nông nghiệp: Trụ đỡ vững chắc trong biến động”.

Seminar “Agriculture: A solid support in the change”.

The above is the view of Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan shared at the seminar “Agriculture: A solid support in volatility” organized by the Government Portal on the afternoon of October 28. .


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the agricultural industry was mentioned again as a pillar when the economy wobbled. The scale of agricultural enterprises may not be equal to industrial enterprises, but the spread of tens of millions of farming households that can be connected becomes a strength.

According to Minister Le Minh Hoan, in the current context, the steps of the agricultural sector for the term 2021-2025 with a strategic development vision, the restructuring in the coming period, is not a re-planning, increase or decrease any industry, but it is the transformation of the growth model of the agricultural sector, the change of thinking from agricultural production based on the goal of increasing output to an economic mindset with the goal of increasing value.

It is time for us to change the model, not the share of an agricultural sector when it comes to output. We have to integrate multiple values ​​into products, looking at agriculture not as a technique or production, not even as an economic sector but as an industry that integrates economy, culture and society.

“Because there have been many studies, society itself is a resource, culture itself is a resource… Culture, rural society, intellectualization of farmers creates a dynamic community of local farmers in the country. It will become a spiritual resource for farmers to cooperate with each other”, emphasized Minister Le Minh Hoan.

Minister Le Minh Hoan raised the issue: “We see that “fragile, small, spontaneous” are 3 keywords “curse” of agriculture; If the “new normal” continues to be fragmented, small and spontaneous, it is still a vicious circle.

Minister said: I asked Dr. Nguyen Thanh My, Chairman of My Lan Group, how much land should be accumulated and concentrated in agriculture for businesses? Dr. Nguyen Thanh My answered: We are living in the 4.0 revolution, people do transport business but do not own any cars?

Like Uber, Grab, each car is small but combined, connecting into transportation businesses; people run the hotel business but don’t own a hotel because they’re connected. I will do agriculture with such a mindset, in such a way, in order not to disturb the market, not to disturb the private ownership of the farmer’s land.

We often say that agriculture is a large-scale production, but now that is not certain, especially due to the impact of the recent Covd-19 pandemic, due to the mode of operation in society during the Covid-19 season, so now people are more divided.

For example, the division of a large factory into many small factories, if F0, they will close one place while the other factories can still operate, that is, they will split without following the trend of accumulation. , just like before, we planned the megacities. In the context of the pandemic, these megacities were also divided and connected the smaller cities, essentially subdividing patterns.

“Agriculture needs changes to adapt to the pandemic as well. We have to accept small production, small but not odd. How small but must be reconnected in series, like drops of water connecting each other into the sea, not eliminating the small, the small connecting will become a big chain. This is also a way, but concentrating and accumulating in a complex is also a way”, emphasized Minister Le Minh Hoan.


Referring to the prospect of exporting agro-forestry-fishery products in 2021, Minister Le Minh Hoan said that as usual, the fourth quarter is the strongest growth quarter of the agricultural industry. Preliminarily working with export-related associations and industries, we are very confident that we will achieve the set target of USD 42.5 billion.

Mr. Le Minh Hoa shared, when I was the leader of Dong Thap province, I was the communicator about pushing the first container of mangoes to the US market, which was very interesting, and then sold at a high price.

“Last time, the information about Vietnamese longan, litchi, longan, and fruit appeared on supermarket shelves in Japan, Singapore, and the US… are very funny stories. Communication helps us push our emotions, but sometimes we get so excited, we forget there are problems, there are risks behind,” the Minister noted.

He said, yesterday, when I sat online with 27 of my Ambassadors in the European Union, I discovered that my agricultural products sold very little, only had a few deals from time to time, most of them were sold at Asian shops like Vietnamese and Thai. An Ambassador of EU has said that his agricultural products are only 1% of the share of EU agricultural imports that are sold in Asian shops.

“During the trip accompanying National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue to Europe, many Ambassadors said a lot when their dragon fruit was sold in a Thai store, which means that we have not gone dignified but also very timid in Thailand. The segment is at risk or sold in the Vietnamese community. When they put their agricultural products into their official distribution system, they will shape the brand for the country’s agricultural products. If we can put it in there, then it will spread, and consumers will know about it,” the minister said.

Recalling the Government’s goal of opening up the economy, economic recovery and development may also face some difficulties when the epidemic breaks out in some localities. “However, now, with the drastic direction of the Government this time, along with the initiative of localities, I think this is a fulcrum for export-related businesses to have confidence to restart”, the Minister affirmed.
